What is a 4D Sneak Peek?

4D-Sneak-Peek is a trademark of the process when we take a peek into the world of your baby in 4D, during a Gender Scan.

Whilst most of the Gender Scan is conducted in black & white 2 Dimensional mode, and the primary purpose of this Baby Scan is to determine the sex of your baby accurately as possible, however during the process the Radiographer/Sonographer will switch the machine to 4D mode.

You will see the that picture on the main Television monitor changes into colour and the black & White indistinct image suddenly turns into a colour video picture actually showing your baby in living form.

Please note at 15 weeks although the facial features and limbs etc are already in formation, however the definition of these features will quite low at this stage.

A 4D Baby Scan taken at a Peek-a-Baby clinic
Baby 4D Scan 4

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4D-Sneak-Peek as the name suggests is our complimentary add-on to give you a glimpse of the shape for things to come and what should you expect from Peek-a-Baby 4D Ultrasound Baby Scan at a later stage in your pregnancy when you may like to have a full 4D package.

For 4D Ultrasound scan package we suggest the best period is within 22 to 32 weeks. Although Peek-a-Baby 4D Ultrasound Baby Scans can be conducted anytime from 20 weeks right up to 34 weeks. However, there is always an optimum time for these things, which in this case is around 26-29 weeks.

This is because by this time the features of the baby have developed enough to show a real liking of the face and it is not too big that it cannot move around if need be to get the best shots. However, we have achieved amazing results at 20 weeks and on the other side of the spectrum at 35 weeks, indeed with cooperation of the baby.

At Peek a Baby we have a wide range of scans suitable for each stage of your pregnancy. From 4D Ultrasounds to Gender Scans, you can view our packages here.


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