An antenatal scan is another name for a pregnancy ultrasound scan. It is your opportunity to meet your baby for the first time and at various stages throughout your pregnancy journey.
Scans are available via the NHS and through private scans too, although it is important to note than private scans are not a replacement for your NHS scan appointments. Here at Peek A Baby, we offer private antenatal scans from 6 weeks, right up to the end of your pregnancy, giving you every opportunity to see your baby as they grow and develop, creating an unbreakable bond.
What Happens at Your Antenatal Scan?
At your antenatal scan, the sonographer will ask you to lift up your top so that they can put ultrasound gel onto your stomach. From here, they will pass the probe over your stomach, allowing you to see your baby on the screen.
These scans can help give an estimated due date, find out the gender of your baby, indicate if you are carrying one baby or more than one, check the baby’s growth and well-being and, at later scans, they are able to indicate if there may be any further concerns or anomalies.
At the end of every scan, you are given thermal pictures to take away with you.
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What Peek A Baby Offer
Here at Peek A Baby, we offer a range of scans and packages for every stage of your pregnancy journey.
Our Early Reassurance Scan offers you peace of mind from 6 weeks of pregnancy. This scan is an early scan, and some may not see it as necessary before 12 weeks; however it can be reassuring for many expectant mums to meet their baby for the first time, right at the start of their pregnancy journey.
We also offer gender scans from 16 weeks, and 4D packages from 20 weeks through to 34 weeks. Up until 38 weeks, we also offer a Growth & Presentation scan or an anomaly scan should you feel concerned at any stage from 20 weeks and need some reassurance.
Contact Us
For more information on our packages and scans, take a look at our website today!
You can book your same day appointment with us (where available) or contact us for more information. You can complete our online contact form or give us a call!
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