In these unprecedented times, everyone is feeling a little more stress and anxiety than usual, none more so than pregnant ladies, we feel this is only natural and more than expected.
So, what can we do to try and manage any anxiety that you are feeling…?
Here we try and help you with a few of our top tips!
- Try and avoid watching the news! We realise that it is important to keep up to date with all the changing news in this current climate, however, do not become obsessed with it! Just try and watch it once a day to find out what you need to know then get on and enjoy your day!
- Feeling anxious in this current climate is only natural, especially when there is you and your precious bump to think about…do not worry about feeling this way, do not think everyone expects you to be happy all of the time, simply because you are pregnant! It is still okay to have down days, do not beat yourself up, it is totally normal and natural!
- Take steps to look after yourself, try and keep healthy and active as best you can. Try and take advantage of the essential hour out that we are allowed to take daily, take a walk in the sunshine to the park (obviously sticking to socially distancing measures) or even just around the road you live on, the fresh air will clear your head and do you and your bump the world of good! Drink plenty of water and try and rest and get plenty of sleep.
- Try and distract yourself, if you feel your anxiety and thoughts are taking over, try and take your mind off things…Read a book or magazine, or even start a puzzle, a jigsaw or word search…or even a bit of adult colouring in…there are some great adult colouring books available now, see you are not alone-other people need a release too! Hence why these things are now on the market! Or why not pop the radio on or some old records and dance! Dancing is a great stress reliever and a bit of gentle exercise is great for you and the baby!
- Remember that this will not last forever! Every day there is speculation and rumours on when this situation will end or go back to some kind of normal, you cannot control that decision so try not to worry about it, try and focus on the fact that it will end, maybe not today or tomorrow but it will, and just take one day at a time.
- Talk! If you are feeling anxious, (and that is very common now)! Talk to your midwife, or friends or a family member, a good chat over the phone or on facetime will almost certainly make you feel better. If after that you still do not feel better and feel that your anxiety is a real problem…talk to your GP, they will be able to get you the right support should you need it.
Here at Peek a Baby we are still open, for reassurance during these very worrying times.
If you feel you would like some peace of mind about your pregnancy, why not book in for one of our pregnancy reassurance scans, you will receive 3 thermal prints to take home and treasure, a free re-scan and a report. Contact us today on 0121 421 1600 and one of our friendly professional staff will be more than happy to help you.

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Cheeky Monkey 4D Scan
Only £99
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Double Prints
With Gender Scans & 4D Packages (excluding the Cheeky Monkey 4D Package)*
*Offers cannot be combined and are for separate use.
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